Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Being a Hero

I think that there are days when you just need to feel like a hero as a mom. I've only been a mommy for thirteen weeks, but it seems like the time has gone by slowly, and so quickly all at the same time. I'm sitting here, drinking my second cup of coffee, stuffing diapers while the baby takes a nap on the couch, and watching TLC. It seems pretty cliche, but there is beauty even in the mundane aspects of motherhood, and a sense of peace that this is where I am supposed to be. I fail often- maybe I am not doing enough with the baby. Maybe I'm not stimulating his development enough with the appropriate amount of tummy time, and book reading, and nursery rhyming, and nature hikes. Perhaps I could be doing more in the way of laundry, and cleaning, and meal cooking, and making our home a welcoming environment for my husband and our frequent guests. But maybe...I'm doing just fine. Maybe it's the effort and care I put into the things that I do with my son that counts, and maybe its the one thing that I did on my to do list that makes a difference, and not the ten things that I didn't get around to. I read in a blog post by a woman/mom that I admire that sometimes the cure for idleness, boredom etc. as a mom is to have more children. What a true statement that is! God didn't just intend for us as parents to help our children grow in virtue and holiness, he arranged things so that our children would help us to grow in virtue as well. And oh, how my little one has helped me to grow already! I think I'm okay with not being able to do everything perfectly, because I can do some things, and I can do those things well. Sometimes God asks that we do the best we can, and he looks with favor on that. He is after all the God who sees our hearts and knows them. Today instead of telling myself that I will only succeed as a mom and wife if I do x,y, and z, I will acknowledge that I have succeeded in doing the few things I have checked off my list. I will take the time to waste time making funny noises with Tommy for as long as he wants, without looking over my shoulder at whatever task I think needs to get done next. Life is short, and we are heroic when we LOVE. God, I pray that the things I do today can reflect the love I have for my family. May I let go of everything that can wait.

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