Monday, April 7, 2008


Life is good...and here are a few reasons why:

-Coffee. Praise God that he allowed some really smart human being to come up with that one.
-College. There is absolutely nothing else like college. Much as i like to complain about homework and tests and papers and drama, when am i ever going to get to life like this again?
-Dave Barnes. Me, you and the world. That's it.
-Dancing. Actually...dancing so hard that you cant remember the last time you sweat so much.
-Wedding photos. I spent a lot of my afternoon today looking at wedding pictures of people i don't even know. Call me sentimental. Go it.
-Summer being five weeks away. Enough said.
-Adventures. The prospect of being in a foreign country in a matter of months.
-Singing. I'll do it any time, anywhere...It just feels good.
-Cool weather in April. I know, we're all sick of winter, but soon and very soon its going to be sweltering. Let's make the most of this.
-Discovering a new, awesome, band you've never heard before.
-Movies about real life. Sometimes movies portray what has to be a parallel universe, but sometimes those people just get it.
-Having big dreams. Hey, did you know that there isn't a limit on how many you can have? That's a sweet deal.
-Crossing things off of your to do list. Granted, I haven't gotten too far today, but still. It's going to feel great when i finally get there.
-Genuinely laughing and crying at the same time. It's a rarity, but when it happens its amazing.
-Laughter. I dont understand how it happens, or why, but it sure feels good.
-Running. Sweating it all out is a great thing.
-Taking walks. Sometimes its just what you need.
-Scatting. You know you're cool and the gang when you can do that.
-Concerts. Just in general. But also the prospect of a concert in the near future. It makes everything seem easier.
-My church history teacher. He giggled today.
-Hugs. The kind that make your back crack.
-Cinnamon toast in the cafe. When there's nothing else to fall back on, you always have that.
-Telling someone your secrets. Letting people see the real you never hurts.
-Feeling genuinely happy about someone else's accomplishments. Like when your friend finishes all 26 miles of a marathon. Amazing.
-Courteous sales people. Even though my movie place totally ripped me off the other day, the guy that works there was so nice to me. I like nice people.
-People who have the gumption to follow their dreams. Or i guess i should say, people who recognize that there isn't much holding them back.
-Art. Making something from nothing.
-Love. Seeing people who genuinely love each other. What is better?
-Big ideas. The kind that make you think, and reevaluate the way you live.
-Changing your mind about someone or something. Stubborn gets old sometimes.
-Sappy lists.
-My sisters. I love my family.
-God. God's love. God's friendship. God's mercy. God's sense of humor. God. period.

Theres a mountain here before me, and I'm gonna climb it with strength not my own
He's gonna meet me where the mountain beats me, and carry me through
and carry me through
Theres a river here before me, and I'm gonna cross it with strength not my own
He's gonna save me when the river takes me, and carry me through
and carry me through
But Lord be gentle, I'm just a man. Please don't crush me with your heavenly hand
Oh Lord remember, That i try so hard, and I'm walkin' towards your kingdom Lord
Theres a city here before me, and I'm gonna get there with strength not my own
Hes gonna carry me when i get weary, carry me through
carry me through
But Lord be gentle, I'm just a man. Please don't crush me with your heavenly hand
Oh Lord remember, That i try so hard, and I'm walkin' towards your kingdom Lord
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, carry me through
Alleluia, Alleluia, Oh sweet Lord carry me through

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