Friday, June 7, 2013

7 Quick Takes, Vol. 6

1. This is the first time in a long time I've done quick takes! Tommy and I are still in STL and will be here another week while Patrick goes down to FOCUS staff training in Florida to meet his new team. I made dinner last night (here at my parents' house) and it got me SO excited to move into our new house. What, you mean counter space actually makes cooking dinner easier? YES. Yes it does. I won't even know what to do with myself with extra counter space, but I'm way more excited about it than I probably should be.

2. The other day Pat, Tommy and I stopped into adoration and I picked myself up a free copy of Janet Smith's talk called "Contraception, why not?" I read a few of her articles in college, but actually listening to this talk was amazing, and I would totally recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to share the Catholic Church's teaching on contraception with someone that they know. She even makes a comment during the talk that sometimes the best way to share these truths is to give someone reading material (encyclicals, articles) or this kind of talk on CD for them to listen to, and then come back and discuss later if they are willing. I wrote a while ago about having this conversation with a friend of mine who told me that she and her soon to be hubs have started using birth control in anticipation of getting married. It really hurt my heart for her, and we had a good conversation about it, but I think this talk would articulate much more eloquently than I did the reasons behind what the church teaches. Check it out!

3. When I was pregnant with Tommy I subscribed to emails from the website so that every week I could find out how big he was relative to a piece of fruit. That's really silly to type out. But I love knowing how big the baby is, and what's going on! But yesterday I received the most ridiculous article in my inbox called "9 ways to tell if you shouldn't have kids." It was appalling. This article basically said that if you've ever had to flush a goldfish, or if you don't like babysitting other people's kids, if you like to travel, if you like to sleep (Come on, who doesn't like to sleep?), or if you have any amount of debt, etc. etc. etc, you definitely should not have a child. I'm not even gonna get into how ridiculous it is to compare a baby to a beta fish, but this is so typical of the world we live in that it just made me seethe. I pray that someday people will realize that babies are blessings. One commenter (why? why do I read the comments?) very wisely stated that "you aren't gonna become a good parent before you are one! You have to have the baby first!" So true.

4. This past week we took Tommy to the zoo for the first time. It was so fun getting out as a family and doing something like that that I started to wonder why we don't do it more often. It was truly a breath of fresh air. Pat was insanely excited to introduce Tommy to penguins, and it was sweet. Tommy did a lot of pointing, which possibly means he was interested in the animals, but maybe not. Nevertheless it was really nice, and I look forward to doing more things like that as a family in the future.

5. If you're looking for a really yummy, easy to make, quick, healthy dinner try this on for size:
Brown a few pounds of hamburger meat. Saute some mushrooms. Throw both of those things into a big pot with some uncooked celery, a can of french cut green beans, whatever seasonings you want and some v8 tomato juice. Cook until the celery is soft. I ate two bowls last night, it was delish.

6. I am fascinated by the show wife swap. Somehow it always happens to be on during the time that Tommy is taking his afternoon nap and it is completely amazing to me to see how different people run their households, manage their kids and live their lives. And because I am pregnant, I am currently a complete sucker for any kind of change-of-heart, this has changed my life, our family will never be the same again scenario, which inevitably happens at the end of each show when the wives finally go back to their real families. I love it...I don't know.

7. Please join in praying for Dwija of House Unseen who is 15 weeks pregnant with her sixth baby and having serious complications. This family and that sweet little one need a miracle. And pray also for the doctor who suggested that she terminate the pregnancy.

Happy Friday, peace and prayers, and go visit Jen for more quick takes!!

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